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Pepsi "Pepsi Max Test Drive" Campaign

Targeting -

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Uses surprise and humor in product promotion. General consumers

About the

Promotes Pepsi Max by surprising unsuspecting drivers with the taste of Pepsi Max.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Showcases Pepsi Max as a sugar-free alternative with great taste.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

The Pepsi "Pepsi Max Test Drive" campaign is a marketing initiative by PepsiCo that was launched during Super Bowl XLVI in 2012. The campaign aimed to promote Pepsi Max, a sugar-free and calorie-free cola, in a creative and entertaining way by combining elements of a hidden camera prank with a high-speed car chase.

Here are the key details about the Pepsi "Pepsi Max Test Drive" campaign:

1. Concept: The central concept of the campaign was to stage a prank in which a regular consumer, unsuspecting of being part of an advertisement, goes on a wild and thrilling test drive with a professional race car driver.

2. Hidden Camera Prank: The campaign involved setting up hidden cameras inside a dealership and having the consumer test drive what they believed was a regular sedan.

3. Unexpected Thrills: During the test drive, the professional driver would suddenly accelerate, perform high-speed maneuvers, and simulate dangerous situations, creating a heart-pounding experience for the consumer.

4. Reveal: At the end of the exhilarating test drive, the driver would reveal that the car being driven was a regular sedan, and the consumer was actually participating in a Pepsi Max advertisement.

5. Celebrity Appearance: The campaign featured actor and comedian Reggie Watts as the unsuspecting consumer who went on the thrilling test drive.

6. Entertainment Value: The "Pepsi Max Test Drive" was designed to be entertaining and humorous, leveraging the surprise factor and the unexpected reactions of the consumer.

7. Super Bowl Ad: The campaign was launched as a commercial during Super Bowl XLVI, one of the most-watched television events in the United States, which ensured a broad and engaged audience.

8. Social Media Engagement: Following the Super Bowl ad, Pepsi encouraged viewers to engage with the campaign on social media by sharing their own reactions and thoughts about the prank.

9. Brand Message: The campaign reinforced the idea that Pepsi Max offers great taste with zero sugar and zero calories, emphasizing that it can deliver surprising and exciting experiences.

The "Pepsi Max Test Drive" campaign was successful in generating buzz, entertaining viewers, and effectively communicating the message about the product's great taste without sugar and calories. It showcased the power of combining humor, surprise, and celebrity endorsement in advertising to create a memorable and shareable experience.

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This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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